This is the worldwide Continence Awareness Week, and here I speak about how no any leak is normal, how sport activities impact teenage girls’ pelvic health, and how we need start thinking beyond “kegels”.
Read MoreSince I remember myself I’ve been fascinated by the ways we use our language(s) and how our personality and culture transpire through but also are influenced by those ways. …
Read MoreThis week I faced an opinion that the Feldenkrais® lessons are for old people, like some kind of geriatric gymnastics. Is it true?
Surely, the ex-Prime Minister of Israel David Ben-Gurion was in his 60s when Moshe Feldenkrais taught him to stand on his (Ben-Gurion's) head.
But does it mean we have to wait for that long or to become a Prime Minister before we start taking care of ourselves?
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